Many of us involved in the company, has been the relatives of people with memory problems, cognitive impairment or dementia. The product is therefore developed based on the experience we have as family carers in addition to research-based knowledge about the needs of people with cognitive impairment.

Inger Hagen in Forget-me-not AS had the idea of a remote-controlled daily planning already in the 90s, and many of the ideas in our product is still rooted in the early trials that were conducted before the Internet was stable enough.

The product emerged through numerous research and development projects where user interface for the user, functionality, pleasure and utility value of Memas® and similar products have been tested.

The most relevant projects are:

MYLIFE-prosjekt (Multimedia technology for independence and participation for people with dementia). AAL Joint Programme, Call 3, 2011-2012.

Berliner Institute für Sozialforschung report 2013: Mylife Technische Assistenz für Menschen mit Gedächtnisproblemen results from the Mylife-project.

TouchIT (Use of touch-screens in products for older persons with cognitive dis­a­b­­ilities). IT Funk, Norwegian Research Council, 2010.

SAMPO (Internet-based e-services for older persons with cognitive disabilities). Pre-project. IT Funk, Norwegian Research Council, 2009.

ALDERN (Home-based ICTs for older persons with cognitive disabilities). IT Funk, Norwegian Research Council, 2008